December 2019 Rounding Post – Our First Issue

Welcome to the first edition of NOVAWE’s Rounding Post – a newsletter the NOVAWE Marketing Committee developed to inform you, inspire you, and remind you of NOVAWE upcoming activities and events.

Spotlight – Stephanie Jennings

Stephanie Jennings is a shining example of support, partnership, and success. The Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE) business member is co-owner of Professional Horse Services, LLC, a regular sponsor of NOVAWE events. Jennings is a beautiful and effective rider and is leading the country in the Confederation for Working Equitation standings, Level 2 Open Division (as of November 2019).

Spotlight – Allison Reed

Allison Reed, owner of Bella Vita Stables, trainer and Working Equitation (WE) clinician based in Catharpin, VA, has worked closely with the Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE) organization since its inception to establish and promote the sport throughout the region.

NOVAWE Victorious at ERAHC Working Equitation show at Virginia Horse Center


NOVAWE Equestrians Victorious at Virginia Horse Center Rated Working Equitation Event, August 24-25

The break in the heat came just in time for seven Northern Virginia Working Equitation (NOVAWE) members who emerged victoriously from the Working Equitation show at the Virginia Horse Center, in Lexington, VA August 24-25.  Collectively they won the show’s Championships and Reserve Championships in every division entered.  The show was put on by the Eastern Region Andalusian Horse Club (ERAHC) and offered, in addition to the rated Working Equitation show, the Andalusian/Lusitano Regional Championship Show, and a “Fun”tastic show, the latter included trail classes, a musical freestyle and a smattering of English pleasure and jumping classes.  NOVAWE riders collected quite a few of the “Fun”tastic ribbons as well.

Full Press Release Here:

New working equitation organization rides into Loudoun

Super nice article (Link) in the Loudoun Times-Mirror about the introduction of Northern Virginia Working Equitation.

NOVAWE welcomes all its members and is looking forward to working with you, learning with you, and growing the sport of Working Equitation in Loudoun County and Northern Virginia.

Thank you Loudoun Times-Mirror and Kaitlyn Fletcher!

NOVAWE Featured in August Middleburg Life

NOVAWE’s formalization as a new equestrian organization with a mission to promote Working Equitation in Northern Virginia announced in Middleburg Life Magazine.

Take a look (link here).

Thank you Middleburg Life for featuring NOVAWE in your August 2019 edition:



Press Release

New Equestrian Organization Formed to Develop Sport of Working Equitation in Northern Virginia Area

Spotlight – Adair Soho

Member Adair Soho’s story is similar to a lot of Working Equitation (WE) enthusiasts, she was introduced to WE through a NOVAWE Play Day and caught the WE fever.  “It is so fun. My mare Skye loves it!,” said Soho, of her  reining-bred mare that shows as Cromeless Mercedes.  “I never started with Working Equitation thinking it would become my thing,” she explained, “but it has.”

NOVAWE members with ribbons

Northern Virginia Working Equitation Equestrians Dominate at Rated Working Equitation Horse Show in Pennsylvania –July 20-21